PN Racing Servo Saver- Spring rate 20% stiffer than Kyosho - Made by Delrin- "K" marked link for Kyosho MR03 with SHORT stainless steel pin- "P" marked link for PN Chassis 900300 with LONG stainless steel pin
114mm wheelbase
The requirement to finish the chassis:
1x PN Racing Double A-arm system or 900300D Front End Kit
2x 1S Lipo Batteries (PN# 7200380 or 722385)
1x2S MOLEX Male Plug Harness Set (PN# 700255)
1x Micro servo (PN# 500834A)
1x 98mm Motor Mount (MR3300K or MR2395)
1x Micro Receiver
1x Micro ESC (PN# 500830 Anima V3 Bluetooth 30A Micro Sensored Brushless ESC)
1 x Damper System (PN#MR2061)
1 x Gear Diff (PN#MR2055PC or Ball Diff PN#MR2049)
2 x 11x19mm 11x20mm R0 Offset wheel (PN#MR2088R0, MR2088R0-19)
2 x 14x19mm 14x20mm R14 Wheel (PN#MR2088R14, MR2088R14-19)
*Note: Please use Hex hardware for our plastic parts asour material is very strong.