MWX Performance steht für innovative Tuningteile welche die besten Chassis der Welt noch besser machen. Und mit dem R.1 2WD Racing Kit steht auch ein Chassis Kit zur Verfügung, mit welchem die 2wd Klasse dominiert werden kann.
Dieses Chassis Kit enthält den 2024er Revision Kit!Jahre lang hat Marcus Williams innovative Tuningteile für die bekanntesten und erfolgreichsten Chassis entwickelt und diese damit noch besser gemacht. Jetzt war es an der Zeit und MWX hat sich entschieden, ein eigenes Chassis Kit zu veröffentlichen, welches modernste Technologie mit hochwertigen Komponenten und Funktionen verbindet. Das MWX Performance R.1 1/28 2WD Chassis Kit ist ein revolutionäres Kit, das entwickelt wurde, um die 1:28 2wd Klasse zu dominieren. Du wirst die Details zu schätzen wissen, die zur Maximierung der Einstellbarkeit, sowie zur Erhöhung der Haltbarkeit und Präzision entwickelt wurden, die diese sehr einzigartigen Fahrzeuge erfordern. HINWEIS: Das auf den Fotos abgebildete Rolling Chassis dient nur zur Veranschaulichung und zeigt Teile, die nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten sind. Eine vollständige Liste der für die Fertigstellung des Modells erforderlichen Teile findest du in der unten stehenden Liste.Merkmale des R.1 Chassis:Einzigartiges Design ohne SidelinksLanglebige spritzgegossene Frontpartie Ultra-niedriger Schwerpunkt von Grund auf konzipiert Inklusive optionaler Stossdämpferfedern in der Box Extrem freies Heck für eine ultra-glatte Hinterradaufhängung Möglichkeit des dynamischen Nachlaufs Titaniumnitrid beschichtete Dämpferwellen und Achsschenkel für unübertroffene Haltbarkeit und Laufruhe Ackerman-Schnellverstellung zur Änderung der Lenkeigenschaften Schwimmende Servohalterung für gleichmässigen Flex über das gesamte Chassis für ein berechenbareres Handling Inklusive 2 Grad Nachlauf (1 und 3 Grad optional)Präzise und direkte Lenkung ohne SpielInklusive PN Racing V3 Precision Enclosed Gear Differential 64PInklusive Transponderhalterung Enthält Karosseriehalterungen für Lexan- und Hartkarosserien Low Slop DesignVordere Aufhängung mit niedrigem Rollzentrum 4 mögliche Positionen der BatteriekabelführungFolgende Artikel und Komponenten werden für die Fertigstellung des Chassis-Kits benötigt:ESC / ReglerMotorServoFelgenReifenLipoMikro EmpfängerKarosserieFrontbumperSämtliche Anleitungen und Videos zum MWX R.1 Chassis findest du auf der MWX Performance Website unter MWX R.1 Ressource Center. Damit du Zugriff hast, muss du dich auf der Website registrieren und du musst angemeldet sein:MWX R.1 Ressource CenterVideoanleitungen: MWX Youtube Channel
A simple piece for the GLF.GLR ,GT that eliminates the pod ball shims giving you the absolute perfect alignment and that translates to increase grip in the case that your shims were not perfect. the part is machined from solid Delrin (not 3d printed) and designed to have "squeeze" so if any slop develops you can tighten it up. i will make an install video before the release.
Finally ready after 3 months of testing and formulating we have come up with the best lubricant for our proprietary dry ceramic bearings!
it is a PTFE blend but the wet lubricant actually evaporates leaving the PTFE behind and dry so you get even better performance than a dry bearing. next level stuff ONLY 1 SMALL DROP PER BEARING IS NEEDED AND MAKE SURE AND SHAKE WELL BEFORE APPLYING, THE PTFE SEPARATES QUICKLY
A heavy (4.85g) brass weight that is used under the rear pod on GL Racing GLR and GLR GT. This weight keeps the car flat and really stable in quick chicanes, increase rear grip.
MMK’s (Motor Maintenance Kit)
Kit comes with:
2 dry ceramic single shield motor bearings1 bottle of ProLubeJIG for pressing bearing out of the sensor board side(PN and rocket style motors)Tool for tapping the bearing out
Stock motor bearings are low quality bearings, expect .1-.3 lower amp draw, longer runtime, quicker acceleration.
Farbe: Flourescent yellowWatch Youtube Video
Fresh off our PNNAC national championship win this is the chassis that allowed team driver Marcus Williams to secure the top finish! This chassis will convert your GLR into a fierce machine:higher corner speedsextra stability less traction rolling on high gripIt completely changes the car so much that it requires different springs and softer front tires. We recommend GLF green sides springs for the front ( don't forget to re shim the knuckles) and we have found the KS soft and KSM softs have been the best front tire choices.
FPM is not included, the chassis will no longer accept the GL captured pivot
Weight , the MWX chassis is lighter than the GL brass chassis and since most with this car run stock and super stock the heavy weight of the car naturally makes a difference. I basically shifted the weight into better positions to stabilize the handling while calming down the steering making the chassis wide everywhere is not optimal. High level competition has taught me this.
Due to the slightly heavier servo the car requires, I offset some of that Weight with a cutout under the servo.
Each chassis also comes with the infamous FPM (floating pod mount). to further enhance handling.
Dry carbon and CNC machined weighted bumper system for lexan bodied 1/28 scale cars
This is one of the quickest and easiest way to tame down the steering of your Double A arm cars like the GL GT and the Reflex R28 but also work great for quick changes to even the MWX GLR.
Passend für den MWX R.1, GL GLR / GLR-GT / GTR, PN 2.0/3.0, MR03,...
Dry carbon and CNC machined weighted bumper system for lexan bodied 1/28 scale cars
This is one of the quickest and easiest way to tame down the steering of your Double A arm cars like the GL GT and the Reflex R28 but also work great for quick changes to even the MWX GLR.
Passend für den MWX R.1, GL GLR / GLR-GT / GTR, PN 2.0/3.0, MR03,...
This brace keeps the upper arms from wiggling around from the slop. the car will track straight and have more precise steering. It's a must have for the GLF
This kit puts the center shock in the proper location. Makes the car sharp and predictable and handles the bumps much better.This kits was used to get the quickest lap in pan car as well as P2 early 2021 at the PN nats, also the the fastest lap of the weekend at the 2021 Texas vs Cali challenge at RCHQ. And used on the Top Qualifier and fastest lap at the 2021 GL US nationals. So its pedigree is strong!PLEASE WATCH THE INSTALL BEFORE ATTEMPTING THE INSTALLATIONWatch Video
New geometry for 2023!
the shock is now located more forward for a more linear feel and increased grip.also battery compartment is wider to accommodate some of the new larger can remove the battery without removing the shock now
Instead of being forced to purchase a 50 dollar servo saver by using a sub par rack in the GTR MWX has once again re engineered another GL part to make better for the end user. With this unit you dont have to use the servo saver.
MWX-PRCV1-023Another Great chassis design, this time for the GL Guilia awd format. This design achieves 51/49 balance which is perfect for AWD on RCP since the grip levels are so high. The car rotates on entry and allows you to power out of the corners like a legit AWD Carbon Upper Deck INCLUDED!Watch Video
Single Shield dry ceramic motor bearings for 1/28 scale brushless motors (PN/GL) We suggest picking up a bottle of ProLube, you should not run them dry.