PNWC 2024 Paris allowed body for 2WD Stock and GTLM Super Stock class
Configurable for 98mm wheelbase.
The body comes unpainted. Painting is not necessary as it was made of orange color material with a glossy finish
Features Reversible Side Body Clip which allows lowering body height by 1mm when installed in the reversed order.
Lexan Roof
Lexan Spoiler
Front & Side Body Clips
Headlight Taillight Lens in Clear
Headlight Taillight Lens in Red
Kyosho Mini-Z MR-02, MR-03, PN 2.5W
GL Racing GLA, GLR, GT, GTRImportant:
For use with a Reflex RX28 or MWX R1 chassis, the body clip PN-600524RX is required (2mm offset)
Manual Download
PNWC 2024 Paris allowed body for 2WD Stock and GTLM Super Stock class
Configurable for 98mm wheelbase.
The body comes unpainted. Painting is not necessary as it was made of yellow color material with a glossy finish
Features Reversible Side Body Clip which allows lowering body height by 1mm when installed in the reversed order.
Lexan Roof
Lexan Spoiler
Front & Side Body Clips
Headlight Taillight Lens in Clear
Headlight Taillight Lens in Red
Kyosho Mini-Z MR-02, MR-03, PN 2.5W
GL Racing GLA, GLR, GT, GTRImportant:
For use with a Reflex RX28 or MWX R1 chassis, the body clip PN-600524RX is required (2mm offset)
Manual Download
PNWC 2024 Paris allowed body for 2WD Stock and GTLM Super Stock class
Configurable for 98mm wheelbase.
The body comes unpainted. painting is not necessary as it was made of white color material with a glossy finish
Features Reversible Side Body Clip which allows lowering body height by 1mm when installed in the reversed order.
Lexan Roof
Lexan Spoiler
Front & Side Body Clips
Headlight Taillight Lens in Clear
Headlight Taillight Lens in Red
Kyosho Mini-Z MR-02, MR-03, PN 2.5W
GL Racing GLA, GLR, GT, GTRImportant:
For use with a Reflex RX28 or MWX R1 chassis, the body clip PN-600524RX is required (2mm offset)
Manual Download
Nichts Revolutionäres hier. Allerdings ist diese Stossstange und Clip-Set sehr robust und leichter als die anderen Stoßstange / Clip Alternativen die es gibt. Kommend in einem knappen 3,9 g ist es kaum schwerer als eine Legierung und Kohlenstoff-Halterung Combo. Die Stoßfänger/Clip-Kombinationen sind ein Muss, um die Lebensdauer Ihrer Karosserien zu verlängern. In diesem Fall die neue PN Racing C9 Karosserie.***Nothing Revolutionary here. However this bumper and clip set is very tough and lighter than the other bumper/clip alternatives out there. Coming in at a scant 3.9g it is barely heavier than an alloy and carbon mount combo. The bumper/clip combos are a must to increase the lifespan of your bodies. In this case the new PN Racing C9 Body.
Front Bumper and Body Mount for PN C9 Body
Material: Black PETG
PNR C9 ABS Body Carbon Fiber Adapter (PN-CP650)
PNR C9 Plastic Body Set (PN-600500W, PN-600500Y, PN-600500O)
Carbon Fiber Adapter for PN Racing C9 ABS / Plastic Body (Art. PN-600500)
Made from high-strength carbon fiber to reduce weight and adds durability.The body height is adjustable using the shims provided in the kit.Additional shims can be used to increase body height.
PN Interchangeable body mount (BM001) or compatibel GT55
PNR C9 Body Set
Carbon fiber black.
1 x carbon fiber body mount
2 x 0.5 mm Fiberglass spacer
1 x 1.0 mm Fiberglass spacer
1 x 2.0 mm Fiberglass spacer
Body Side Clips for Reflex RX28 and MWC R1 Chassis for PN Racing C9 ABS / Plastic Body (Art. PN-600500)
High-quality material 3D Print2mm forward offset for Reflex RX28 and MWX R1 chassis
IncludesFront & Side Body Clips: Reversible Side Body Clip which allows lowering body height by 1mm when installed in the reversed order. Requirement
PNR Concept C9 Body #600500